Thursday, May 22, 2008


As I have been listening to the radio and watching TV, a thought has came to me. I do not believe this is reality, but if for some very strange reason it is, it is the greatest political con in American History. Four months ago evil personified for the Republican party was Hillary Clinton. For most conservatives, we knew the Republicans chance of winning was slim, but just hoped someone other than Hillary would win for the Democrats. If you have read my blog over those months, I said early on that I never believed Hillary had a prayer of winning her party. Politically and historically she did not make any sense as a candidate. You never run someone that is already hated by so much of the population and is so polarizing. Yet what we have seen over these past few months is even scarier than a president Clinton, a president Obama. In the beginning Obama was just some slick speaker that seemed to bring new life to the Party, but now we are seeing a dangerous demigod, whose liberalism far surpasses our worst nightmares of Hillary. All of a sudden conservatives like myself are hoping that somehow Hillary will pull off the miracle and win her party. I still cannot believe I am saying that. I still do not like or trust her, but I do not believe she the kind of danger that an Obama will be. Just yesterday he said we consume too much fuel and food, and the rest of the world hates us for what we consume and so under his leadership he will cut us back. What if this is all a hoax? What if this is some kind of bait and switch? Our greatest enemy, Hillary Clinton, is now the good guy. Imagine if at the Democratic convention, they nominate Hillary like it was their plan all along. Would we not in some way be relieved? Would that not be amazing that she is not our worst fear. If it happened I believe she walks away with the presidency. She now comes across as confident, a fighter, and much more presidential then she would have if she ran away with the nomination from day one. Wit out Obama we would be spending all our energy killing her, instead of men like Rush telling Republicans to vote for her. I do not believe this is actually what is happening, I am not sure the Democrats are that smart to pull this off, but if they do they must be applauded for the most brilliant campaign of all time.

1 comment:

Doug & Robyn Ellis said...

I'm still in a state of confusion over what is actually going on. I can't believe I am actually saying this, but I applaud Rush Limbaugh for his Operation Chaos. Whether that is what is working or something else, who can really tell at this point? The whole state of the democratic party seems chaotic. My hope is that while they are busy sorting out all their chaos, the Republicans will get their act together and pull a rabbit out of the hat.