Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Obama's First Press Conference

I realize it has been quite a long time since I have posted anything. I have struggled about what to post over the past months. The problem is I am trying not to be a hypocrite. I was always critical about how Bush was treated while acting as president and I do not want to do the same towards Obama. I do not agree with people like Rush Limbaugh who began their attack campaign on Obama’s first day. I know they disagree, but it seems like they are just trying to find any little issue to blow up into a scandal. Anyone who reads this knows I did not support Obama, but he is now my president, and just like I made the claim that Bush deserved some respect just for the position he held, I am trying to give that same courtesy to Obama. I hope he is successful, I hope this stimulus package works and the economy is revived. That is what separates me from someone like Limbaugh or Coulter, they are hoping he fails I hope he succeeds. I want what’s best for our nation and if he can fix some of the issues that have plagued us over the years, I might even vote for him. However, I do not believe that will be the case, and I do not believe the way he is going about change is positive, but I wanted to let him and will continue to let him try. However, after last night’s speech I have a few issues and an observation and I cannot remain silent.

The first issue began to bug me Saturday night as I watched Saturday Night Live. I know they have an agenda and are not meant to be taken seriously, but I have a problem when they change the facts. Then in Obama’s speech last night he alluded to the same idea, that is the Republicans have been in charge for the past 8 years, and it was complete Republican control when the economy tanked. When discussing politics this is an issue that is hard to convey to students who do not fully understand or not really paying attention. Most people associate the President with the government, in other words just because Bush was president that Republicans made all the decisions. However, for the past two years, it was the Democrats running the Congress and not the Republicans. Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid were running their perspective branches of government, not the Republicans. Obama kept blaming the Republicans last night for the all the financial problems, but he needs to look at the Democrats involvement. Take this stimulus package right now, it is not the president making it, but congress. The president of the U.S. does not have a single dime of his own to spend, the congress controls 100% of all U.S. funds. Pay attention to the next state of the Union speech, Obama will spend a portion of it asking Congress for money for his programs. Without congressional approval, the president can do nothing.

So to say that Republicans were in complete control when the economy collapsed is false, they only ran the White House, but Democrats ran Congress. So it was Democrats that headed all the important committees including the ones dealing with the economy. It was Democrats that allowed spending to get out of control and allowed the housing market to tank, and allowed banks to deal with bad paper. The President should have watched also, but it was the Democratic Congressmen and Senators that led us down this road, the same ones that now think they have the answers, which is just more of the same they did to create the problem.

As for the stimulus package itself, Obama was wrong last night when he said there was no pork. He should have said earmarks. A great amount of the money being given to the states does not have any specific requirements, and can be used by the states for anything. It is government wistful spending at its worse. I disagree with Obama that Republicans want to do nothing. Everyone understands the economy needs a boost, they just don’t agree with the approach. As for myself, if I get a check in the mail for $1000 great, but I will not use it to stimulate the economy. It will either go directly to pay off credit cards or go to savings so I do not need to use my card when the next situation arises (by the way Obama blew off the question asked about this last night). The only way to get people spending is a tax break, not a credit, but a break. A one time credit is the same as a check in the mail, but a break means that same money on a continued basis, or in other words everyone gets a raise, it will create consumer confidence which leads to spending. Obama is trying to play to the masses that do not know better. He promised them change and now has to act on that. What better way to please everyone than sending them a check and blame everything bad that is happening and will happen on Bush. Obama can tell his supporters that at least I gave you a check. Also if he makes the situation sound bad enough, like saying if we do not fix this now, we may never fix it is not responsible. What he is doing is making people scared while blaming the Republicans if things go bad, and if he makes it sound direr enough and then we come out of the recession he looks that much better. How is this different from past political games? How is this bipartisan?

I know this is long, but I have one other observation from last night. As a political historian I have enjoyed this past year. In my years of teaching I have never seen students so interested in the political process. I spent several classes discussing the primaries or the election so much that we never got to that days lecture, and I was fine with that. Well I opened up today’s classes with asking about what everyone thought about Obama’s speech. In my two classes of about a combined 120 students, only 5 watched the speech or could even talk about the major issue. I even had several who had no idea what the stimulus package was or cared. I thought the love affair with Obama would last, but has not. They still love him and cheer when I mention his name, but already one of his largest groups of supporters has lost interest. They may come back in 4 years to reelect him, after not paying attention to any of his policies. The main answer I got today was that they do not like the package, but do not think they can stop it. Most of my students that have paid attention think it is wasteful spending. However according to Obama last night, the American people want his plan, yet I spoke to the American people today and either they did not know about the plan or felt it was not effective. I am so glad we got change.


Pac8t8 said...

I watched his press conference and felt I was watching someone in way over his head. I don't wish for his failure, but I can't see how he won't. The "Stimulus Package" is nothing of the sort and it can't work as it is not designed to spur economic growth in a free-market system such as ours. Hoping for it to succeed is like hoping my son will succeed at baseball using a waffle for a bat. I can hope all I want for a home run, but I'm not going to get one.

The Finck Five said...

I am with you, I hope but have no faith in his ability to fix anything. But on the other had I am sure my son will make the NFL even though he has never played a game. A guy can dream

danandconnie@gmail.com said...

I too pray for his success but his speech was all about him and his agenda, nothing new or exciting. History has proved these stimulus packages don't work. Ask Japan. Pilosie(sp) is running wild. I read Heritage.com. Tax cuts and cuts in payroll taxes would keep people's jobs. Small business is drowning and the gov and big business are not concerned. Keep up the good work. I love reading these

The Flowers said...

"If we don't act now we will have an economic catastrophe." This sounds a lot like the "if we don't act now Al Qaida will penetrate your living room and kidnap your children" approach Bush took for eight years to push the War on Terror. Obama's relegated to this approach because it's the only approach that captures the politically unengaged American people (your class is a case and point). Watching this process from the Philippines has been intriguing. Filipinos are more concerned about our politics than our citizens seem to be. Could we be in for another Jimmy Carter? He was charismatic too.

Pac8t8 said...

In the case of Bush's approach to the war on terror, Al Qaida didn't come in to our living rooms and kidnap our children, but they did come into our workplace and kill husbands, wives, fathers, and mothers, etc. We can debate going into Iraq all day long, but 9/11 demanded a response and demands vigilance. There is good reason to be afraid of Radical Islam and its supporters. In the case of Obama, it is fear-mongering and nothing else. We have a precedent for handling economic downturns. Reagan was right, Roosevelt and Carter were wrong. But I fear we have a slicker version of Carter with the power of Roosevelt in the White House now.