Thursday, August 21, 2008


I watched a couple of movies this week that I thought I would comment on. We watched Across the Universe and I Am Legend. I enjoyed one and wanted to like the other but found it difficult. The one I like was Across the Universe, even though it definitely had its weird parts. This was a musical, and if you read this blog you know I enjoy musicals, but this is musical like Mamma Mia where all the songs are from the Beatles. I do not know what I think about this new trend, it seems too easy. Of course people are going to like the music, the Beatles are one of the most popular bands ever, and except for just a couple I knew every song. It was like I knew the movie before I saw it, because I knew the songs. Where this does seem like a cop out (stealing already written music) it does take some work to make the music fit the story. Across the Universe is about the 60s, a decade I am glad I did not have to endure. They focused their attention on the counter culture of the 60s and mainly the Grenich Village section of New York. As I said I did not live in the 60s but have studied it some, and felt the movie did a great job capturing the essence of the 60s, and historically speaking gave some good detail of the events of the 60s. For example Lucy worked for SDS and eventually the splinter group the Weatherman. The movie demonstrated how the movement turned more radical and grew to the point where even radicals like Lucy turned from them when they became violent. It also showed how the leadership of the Weatherman killed themselves when building a bomb. The movie showed the turmoil of young men being drafted, and of course drugs, sex and rock and roll. Towards the end there were some psychedelic trips that were long, but I enjoyed the movie non-the less. If you like the Beatles you will just like hearing the songs, and if you are too young to be a Beatles fan, watch the movie and introduce yourself to one of the greatest bands ever. Also they used relatively unknown actors who could actually sing (something Mamma Mia should of considered). Be prepared if you have young ones watching, there is a quick nude scene. I do not understand how nudity can be in a PG-13 movie or why it is needed. Its funny how if it is art then it is allowed, but these are subjects for another post.

The other movie was I Am Legend. I expected to enjoy this movie, but the end was so unsatisfying that I was disappointed. I do not want to give anything away, but the conflict, resolution, and finish happen so fast. Most of the movie was about him surviving as the sole man left in NYC. Most of the movie was very intense and watching what he did and how he lived was interesting. Without talking about the ending, I wanted more, some more resolution. As soon as the conflict started, 10 minutes later the movie was finished. They seemed to want to make some statements about God, but then never played it out. If fact the filmmaker seemed to want to make several statements, but then never drew out the several themes. Will Smith did a great job as normal, and they had an interesting concept. It seems like the writer had

an interesting idea about the last man on earth, but did not what the plot would be. I would still rent the movie if you have not seen it, but be prepared to be let down by the ending.

1 comment:

Doug & Robyn Ellis said...

We thought I Am Legend was a little off too. I still have yet to see Mamma Mia, but we will this week. I don't really like the Beatles (sorry), so that one I will probably miss.