My post today is a bit of an inside joke, but anyone who knows me well will understand it. A bunch of friends have been sharing old pictures on facebook and my friend Kari reminded me of some of our campouts. I love nature and being outside, so camping is one of my favorite activities. When I was going to school in Provo we went on a couple campouts down to southern Utah where it was a bit warmer. The problem I had was that a bunch of people were going and some of them novices at camping so I was worried they would be unprepared. I had a meeting prior to the campout to try to arrange things for our first trip. Of course I have been mocked ever since. For our second campout somewhat as a joke, but some for real I made of set of camping rules and basic agenda for our trip. These rules have taken on a life of their own. When Kari brought them up yesterday I dug through some old papers and found them and thought I would post them.
In order for some of them to make sense a little background it required. On our first trip we got caught in a blizzard driving down I 15. It was a white out and we were only driving 5-10 miles an hour. I was o
utside the car trying to keep the window clear so Matt could see to drive. After driving like this for a while one of the cars (Jen) decided to turn back. That would have been fine, but some of our gear was with them. The other two cars, being the mountain men we were pushed on until the conditions just simply got too bad to drive and we all piled into a hotel room. The next day we made it to St. George where we camped in Zion Park and proceeded to enjoy ourselves. Number 3 will make more since if you know that Tommy Boy was still a very popular movie. This second trip we camped at Gunlocke Lake West of St. George where we fished and my favorite part, cooking over an open fire.
The Rules of Camping
1. Must leave on time
2, Only appropriate music allowed on road trip (ex Steve Miller Band)
3. Superstar must be played at least once
4. But no radios allowed once at camping site
5. Upon arrival camp must be set up right away
6. No marshmallows until after dark
7. It is not dark until the camping director declares it so
8. No one is to say anything that is not funny to Lorna
9. Everyone must play nice
10. If you catch a fish you must clean your own fish
11. No making fun of food is allowed
12. You must please the camping gods at all times
13. The camping gods speak through the voice of the camping director
14. No attempting to get loving from Hottie Abe since he will not be attending
15. No putting out the fire the Ol’ boy scout way
16. No wearing the same socks to bed that your wore all day
17. No forgetting of clothes in others cars is permitted
18. Once on the road, no turning around is allowed (punishable by death)
19. There will be a five dollar fine for whining and crying (RIP Chris)
20. Any rules may be added by camping director as moved by camping gods when needed
James’ truck: James, Kari
Matt’s car: Matt, Lorna, Staci
Tent one: James and Matt
Tent two: Kari, Lorna, and Staci
Note: Loving may be acquired at tent one after midnight
In order for some of them to make sense a little background it required. On our first trip we got caught in a blizzard driving down I 15. It was a white out and we were only driving 5-10 miles an hour. I was o

The Rules of Camping
1. Must leave on time
2, Only appropriate music allowed on road trip (ex Steve Miller Band)
3. Superstar must be played at least once
4. But no radios allowed once at camping site
5. Upon arrival camp must be set up right away
6. No marshmallows until after dark
7. It is not dark until the camping director declares it so
8. No one is to say anything that is not funny to Lorna
9. Everyone must play nice
10. If you catch a fish you must clean your own fish
11. No making fun of food is allowed
12. You must please the camping gods at all times
13. The camping gods speak through the voice of the camping director
14. No attempting to get loving from Hottie Abe since he will not be attending
15. No putting out the fire the Ol’ boy scout way
16. No wearing the same socks to bed that your wore all day
17. No forgetting of clothes in others cars is permitted
18. Once on the road, no turning around is allowed (punishable by death)
19. There will be a five dollar fine for whining and crying (RIP Chris)
20. Any rules may be added by camping director as moved by camping gods when needed
James’ truck: James, Kari
Matt’s car: Matt, Lorna, Staci
Tent one: James and Matt
Tent two: Kari, Lorna, and Staci
Note: Loving may be acquired at tent one after midnight
-for more on our camping adventure see Kari's blog, it comes complete with soundtrack
Laughing out loud so hard Hazel came to me, concerned, to ask, "Momma, are you crying?" Oh, those are even better than I remember! Too bad I'm not in touch with Lorna and Staci anymore to remind them how funny we all were. I happen to have an excellent photo from this trip that I will post on my blog today with a link to this post. I forgot about pleasing the camping gods, that's the best!
Where on earth did you find that list after all these years?
I remember at least one good campout with you guys when Jen and Mark turned back due to snow, is this the same one? I seem to remember some of the rules, but they may have been re-applied the time I went. I remember having awesome camp breakfast, provided by you James.
High you went on the first trip when we were at Zion and hiked to angles landing where Matt and Hottie Abe were too scared to go. We made the rules for the second trip because of the first. I do not remember why you did not come the second time, but I'm sure it would have been more fun if you had.
That is AWESOME! Who was the Camp Director?
...and can I get a pic of Hottie Abe?
Gabe, Gabe, Gabe, can there be any doubt as to who was the camping director. Of coarse it was I. and Hottie Abe is one of your husbands friends on facebook, and it comes complete with pictures.
After reading your rules, I remember why I never wanted to go on those camping trips with you. You guys did always have a great time!!
oh I am so glad that I opt for the Holiday Inn instead of camping (yes that is my idea of roughing it though my husband has promised to cure me of that next summer) The comment of the "lovin in tent one" reminded me of a term that was used back during our seminary days "Gentile Lovin".
yes this of coarse refered to Mormon lovin, but as we were all LDS that just simply applied. I also must say that applied to Matt, I was already engaged.
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