Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Job Hunt Revised

Well in the last few weeks the job openings have slowed down some. There are only four jobs left to apply for. There is the chance that this could be all, but hopefully there will be some late arrivals. No matter what happens with this batch, there is always a second round of jobs that will open in the spring, but hopefully by then I will have landed a good one. So here are the last four that I am applying to.

Berea College. They are looking for someone to do early American. Berea is in Kentucky, about an hour south of Lexington. I know the area somewhat from doing research trips there. It is a small but beautiful campus and was founded by John Fee one of the nations leading abolitionists in the 1850s, and someone included in my own research (I hope that gives me an edge). The most interesting part about Berea is that no one pays to go there. Every student has a job instead of paying. The school makes a lot of its money from the arts and crafts the students make at the Appalachian cultural and arts center.

Gonzaga University. They are also looking for someone to do early American. Gonzaga is in Spokane Washington, an area I have never been to, but have heard nice things. Most are familiar with this school, it is an excellent university and probably most famous for its basketball team and the school of John Stockton.

Southern New Hampshire University. Also wanting someone for early America. This is an area that I have never been to and do not know much about the university. It is in a quaint New England town about an hour north of the Boston area. If I get an interview I can write more.

Slippery Rock University. Just like the others, they are looking for an early American historian. Slippery Rock is in western Pennsylvania an hour north of Pittsburg and also in a small university town. I really enjoy these small university towns and like how you can have a relationship with the students and the town.

I would be grateful for a chance to teach at any of these schools. I have now finished applying to all the jobs. It is still too soon to have heard back from most of them. The only job I have given up on so far is BYU. They started doing their search in September, and by now would have started interviewing. I am hopeful that a job will come through this year, I have not prayed so hard for something in a long time.

1 comment:

Doug & Robyn Ellis said...

Good luck! We're praying for you too.