Friday, September 26, 2008

Job hunt-Part III

Well this has been a great week on the job search, the flood gates have opened. Just this week alone 7 new jobs have opened up. If you read this blog for historical perspectives on issues, I am sorry for taking up so much time lately with personal issues. I will get back to historical writing soon, but for now the job hunt takes up all my time and family and friends keep asking me where I have applied. So here are the jobs for this past week in which I am applying.

University of West Alabama. They are looking for a historian to teach everything before 1865. It is in Livingston Alabama, which is a very small town on the Mississippi border. Melissa is scared. It also has just a small branch of the church.

South Dakota State University. This is a job I am very excited about. They want a historian to do early America and teach the military history class. I like this job because it is a large university but with a small town feeling. This feels like Blacksburg which would make me very happy.

Westminster College. Little known college in Missouri, but a great location. This school became famous when in 1947 Winston Churchill gave their graduation address and said an Iron Curtin has descended across Europe (the name stuck). It is a small liberal arts college looking for someone to do 19th cent political history.

University of Southern Mississippi. This one is a long shot, they are looking for an established historian to teach their Civil War classes, but I will apply anyway. Small southern town on the gulf coast, with lots of southern charm. It has been voted several times as one of the best towns in the nation. By the way it is mostly famous for being the school of Bret Farve.

University of Toledo. Looking for someone to teach US political history. I known very little about the school or the town. I know I am too young for this, but when I think of Toledo I still think of the Toledo Mud Hens and Max Klinger. If I get an interview I will have to learn more.

The Citadel. This is a military school in Charleston SC. I like Charleston very much and the thought of teaching at a military school I find intriguing. Their students have to behave and studying is forced on them. This a for a southern historian, which as a civil war historian I fall into that category.

Ashland University. This is a small school in Ashland Ohio. They want an early American historian who focuses on political history. These are the types of schools I am interested in.

As always keep us in your prayers please, and if you know people at these school call them and beg and if that does not work, maybe we should go to bribing.

1 comment:

Doug & Robyn Ellis said...

Well, if you want right in the middle of Civil War history, then Charleston is your area. Of course, I went to school right down the road at The College of Charleston. Charleston is my favorite city and very beautiful! We'll tell you where to live. That was our stake!