Tuesday, February 26, 2008

What Politicians should do before they lose

I have only one political comment to make and that concerns Mike Huckabee. Over the weekend he pulled a Bob Dole. I know SNL is not as funny as it used to be, but luckily for us this is an election year, and SNL does its best work every four years during the election. One of their best skits in the past ten years was of the debate between Bush and Gore when they had to sum up their argument with one word. Gore looked into the camera and said “Lock Box” and then Bush (played by Will Ferrell) said “Strategery” Anyway Huckabee was on weekend update, and did a very funny bit. This has drawn more attention then all his campaigning. Now over the air waves people are talking about him and wondering why we have not chosen him instead of McCain. It was like after Dole lost in 1996 and then did a Viagra commercial. When people saw his humor instead of the grumpy old guy, they liked him more and wondered where that guy was during the election. So the moral is, do not wait until after you are out of the race or lost to bring out your real personality. Huckabee would have made a strong candidate and could have unified the Republican party, though he would probably have lost. Watch this on youtube, it is funny. http://youtube.com/watch?v=xvSXpM5qGmg


Tamara said...

We watched this Saturday night (because we like Tina Fay) and laughed pretty hard....

The Finck Five said...

the opening sketch about the cnn debate was pretty funny also, because it is true, the media has fallen in love with Obama.

Doug & Robyn Ellis said...

I felt the same way at the RNC when George W. Bush gave his speech. He talked personally about he and his family for a bit and we all realized how funny he could be. However, being from the south....there is something about Huckabee that makes me think slick politician, though aren't they all politicians?

The Finck Five said...

I lived in Arkansas during much of Huckabee's tenure there, I actually never felt he was as slimmy as most politicains, he has a moral side to him as well.

The Finck Five said...

I meant to say not as slimmy