Thursday, March 13, 2008

Democrats Are Racists

The Democrats are racists. If you are wondering, I did not say this, they did. In case you have been in a cave the last three days, the big political news was Geraldine Farraro saying that Obama’s campaign was based on race. Her comments created a firestorm, with the eventual outcome being the resignation of Farraro and apologies from the Clintons. I find this fascinating. Farraro said they are running a racist campaign and what did Obama do, he proved it by making it an issue and Farraro being fired. Ignore what I said in an earlier post about Obama taking the high road on race, that has all changed. In his speech, Obama trying to sound political, said Farraro did not mean to be a racists. So he called her a racist in a nice way, but still a racist. This is Geraldine Farraro, a spokeswoman for all liberal causes for the past twenty years, including race issues. She was the VP on the most liberal ticket, 1984, that there as been in 30 years. The Clinton’s have even come under condemnation as racists for Bills remarks and for Farraro working for the Clintons. Clintons racists? I can think of many things to call the Clintons, most of which are not good, but not racists. Up to now, Bill Clinton has been considered the greatest champion of black rights in the White House since Lincoln; he has even been called the first black president. Now after years of Democratic propaganda of the Republican being racists have turned on themselves. Elections have always been white on white, and even within the primaries. The Democrats could always claim to the be the party of the minority, and one of the most powerful tools was the race card, but now with Obama running, the Democrats are going back to their old tricks, yet it is hurting them now. Now Democrats like Farraro can see first hand what Republicans have dealt with for thirty years.

This election is about race, not because whites are racists, but because too many blacks want it to be. White America is voting for Obama in large numbers, how can they say white America is racists. But when Clinton points out that black America is voting overwhelming for Obama, suddenly it is a race issue. It is a ploy that has always worked, why would Obama abandon it now. If you really want to understand the race issue, listen to Obama’s minister who gave a speech this week. He said Hillary is not qualified because she does not know what it is like being black and being called a nigger. No she does not, but being the first women running for president, it is hard to say she does not know what it is like to struggle in a white man’s world. By the way his preacher who is stumping for Obama also said God Dam America. Obama’s wife saying she has never been proud to be an American until her black husband is winning. A black women on the radio today said if Hillary some how wins, she and other blacks will not vote. How is all this not race. What will the next four years be like, if when ever the president is criticized, they claim it is racism? The Democrats may be in some trouble. They have created a monster that is now turning against them, and threatening to tear them apart. As I said in an earlier post, race is a problem. It has improved and can still improve. But as long as black leaders use race for their own gain, and attack leaders in their own party, why would average blacks in this country do any different. Nothing will change until we judge men by the content of their heart, not the color of their skin. That starts with the leaders of the Democratic party, but right now they are too busy calling each other racists. One more reason it good to be Republican.


Tamara said...

The race issue has always been something that I don't understand.

I was at enrichment tonight and about five ladies told me that they read your blog, you are getting a following;)

Doug & Robyn Ellis said...

I too am enjoying reading and learning from your blog. I like how you link and compare. It makes me think and remember things that I haven't thought about in years. I think it is appropriate that democrats are finally getting a taste of their own medicine. However, if Hilary gets the nomination and the black people don't vote, I wish they'd realize it really is a vote for her unless they vote on the other ticket. Don't you think?

The Finck Five said...

If blacks do not vote for hillary, it is not quite a vote for McCain, but blacks are 20% of the population and most vote Dem, so if you take a large chunck from the Democrats it is like voting for McCain.

Doug & Robyn Ellis said...

Wish they would cross over, then I would feel better about our chances. Wishful thinking, I guess. said...

I always enjoy your comments. We now bend over backwards to not be racists but it appears it is more one sided. Here in Bisbee everyone is suppose to accept all types of people until you are Christian and do not think their way. It sounds quite similar to the Liberals.