Most of my posts seem to either be political, historical, or cultural, but today I have some personal things I would like to say. First I am very blessed. My little family does have some trials, which seem big to us, for one I would really like to find a tenure track job. Yet in the grand scheme of things, we are doing great. I have two younger sisters, who are two of my best friends. Tami and her husband are struggling right now trying to have kids. Many who read my blog also read hers and know of the difficulty they are having. This past week, their latest procedure has failed. She will have to start a second round of shots and spend time and money trying to get a good sample of eggs to be harvested, which the Dr’s think is a low chance. She would make a great mother, and I hope they will be able to find something that works. My youngest sister, Angie, called yesterday to tell us her newborn is in the hospital with a dangerous virus. Weston seems to be stabilized now, but will have to remain in the hospital for the next week. Next to them, my trials are not so bad. I have three great kids (well someday only two) but they are such a source of joy for me. Nothing makes me happier than to come home and have them all run to meet me (I know Jackson would if he could). I love my job that I am able to spend so much time with them and go on school events with them and be part of their lives.
I also watched an interesting movie over the weekend, Evan Almighty. Not a great movie, way too over the top, but it had a great message. If you have not seen it, God appears to Evan, newly elected congressman from NY who wants to change the world, and commands him to build an ark in his new subdivision. Of coarse Evan thinks either himself or God is crazy, so God has to prove he is God. When Evan finally agrees to build the ark, of coarse everyone thinks he is crazy. Perfect modern day biblical story, I am sure people of Noah’s day harassed him just as much as Evan’s neighbors. One of the people that doubt him is his wife, who takes the kids and moves in with her mother. In the beginning of the movie, she prayed for a stronger family and now believes her family is being torn apart. In one scene, Morgan Freeman (God) is talking to her, not identifying himself. He taught her an important principle, one that I am familiar with, but needed to be reminded. He said if you pray for patience, God will not give you patience, but the opportunity to gain patience. If you pray for a closer family, God will not give you a closer family, but things in your life to develop a close family. I have been asking for more spirituality in my life, and realize I will be given situations to develop my spirituality. For one I will be given the opportunity to learn to rely on the Lord more. I have done everything I can to get a tenure track job, but I must rely on the Lord. I know this, in my life I have been led from school to school, and every time I know I was there for a reason and to learn something new. My challenge now is to figure out what the Lord wants me learn here. I have trials at work and with my calling, but it will only help me develop my spirituality, and I know God will send me to the school where I can help the most and where my family will be happy
I also watched an interesting movie over the weekend, Evan Almighty. Not a great movie, way too over the top, but it had a great message. If you have not seen it, God appears to Evan, newly elected congressman from NY who wants to change the world, and commands him to build an ark in his new subdivision. Of coarse Evan thinks either himself or God is crazy, so God has to prove he is God. When Evan finally agrees to build the ark, of coarse everyone thinks he is crazy. Perfect modern day biblical story, I am sure people of Noah’s day harassed him just as much as Evan’s neighbors. One of the people that doubt him is his wife, who takes the kids and moves in with her mother. In the beginning of the movie, she prayed for a stronger family and now believes her family is being torn apart. In one scene, Morgan Freeman (God) is talking to her, not identifying himself. He taught her an important principle, one that I am familiar with, but needed to be reminded. He said if you pray for patience, God will not give you patience, but the opportunity to gain patience. If you pray for a closer family, God will not give you a closer family, but things in your life to develop a close family. I have been asking for more spirituality in my life, and realize I will be given situations to develop my spirituality. For one I will be given the opportunity to learn to rely on the Lord more. I have done everything I can to get a tenure track job, but I must rely on the Lord. I know this, in my life I have been led from school to school, and every time I know I was there for a reason and to learn something new. My challenge now is to figure out what the Lord wants me learn here. I have trials at work and with my calling, but it will only help me develop my spirituality, and I know God will send me to the school where I can help the most and where my family will be happy
Sorry for getting all mooshy, but I just wanted to share some of the thoughts I had yesterday in church. It is my month to conduct sacrament meeting, so I was able to share my testimony, and it made me do some thinking. I hope and pray things will go well for my sisters and would ask for your prayers for them as well.
Thanks James for your thoughts and prayers. It has been tough but I have to be grateful for the good things in my life as well. I am hoping that all of this makes us stronger. Your the best;) At least I do have great nieces and nephews.
It is interesting to read about your thoughts. I know these things about you already and now you are developing the things I know you will need to learn and things your dad and I have had to learn. You were always and good and obedient son, a little mouthy, but that is mild in the scheme of life. I love your testimony and you are on the right track. Our prayers for you are always the same, send him where he will do the most good and grow the most.( BYY Idaho!)
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