Monday, March 10, 2008

The girl has some brass

So Hillary is back in the news again today, not for winning a primary, in fact she lost over the weekend, but instead for having more gall than any politician I know. She and her minions have begun to reach out to the Obama camp by suggesting that they should team up and creat a power ticket to win the presidency. Yet the best part about Hillary’s proposal is that she will be on top of the ticket. Who does that, excuse me, but even though you are beating me soundly, how would you like to drop out of the race and be my number 2. Why would Obama even give this a thought? By all accounts the Democratic ticket is Obama’s to lose. The only way for Hillary to pull out a victory is to use party schemes, which will only split her own party and prove her opponents correct about her. She needs to capture the super delegates, which basically takes away the democratic process of allowing the people to vote, and allowing the party to determine the winner. Her other option is to get Fl and MI votes let in. Hillary pushing for FL and MI shows her character. She had agreed before the race began that neither state would count since they broke their party rules and moved up their primary. But now that she won, she has changed her stance and wants their votes to count. I love how both Governors are complaining how their people feel disenfranchised, if so why did not the voters of both state exercise their franchise and tell their states not to move up their primary. They knew their votes would not count when they voted, nothing was stolen from them.

Back to Hillary’s proposal. A Clinton/Obama ticket would be a very strong ticket. Hillary has the experience and Obama can bring the popular support and human element Hillary is missing. But again, Obama has a real chance of winning the presidency, why would he bow out to Hillary. Hillary could join his ticket, but I do think she would, and I do not think he would ask. Obama can do much better than Hillary. He needs an expert on foreign policy, but one that is more human , one that is not controversial or well known. The last think Obama wants is press asking Hillary what she thinks, and her possibly undercutting him. She has been famous a lot longer than he has. I also hate to say this, but he might want a man. He has enough to overcome being black, why add to the mountain he has to climb by asking voters to only support the first black president, but the first women vice pres. Baby steps are a good idea. Remember when 1984 when Mondale put Ferraro as his VP. Reagan won in the Electorial Collge 525 to 13. If not for Minnesota, Reagan might have swept. I guess I cannot blame Hillary for her suggestion, why not go for it. She is getting desperate and I does not hurt to ask. Maybe just maybe, the Republican party is not as bad off as I thought, if we are lucky McCain might realize that he does not represent the party and offer either Romney or Huckabee the presidency, but I know, that is unlikely also.


Doug & Robyn Ellis said...

Brass or just plain greedy stupidity...still trying to decide. The good thing is the longer this draws out the more time McCain has to shore up his position and make a better decision on his running mate. I hope it drags out a little longer with them dragging each other through the mud a little more. The Republicans will look better and better (we hope!).

The Finck Five said...

There are pros and cons for both sides. Yes the Democrats are ripping each other apart, but because they are, they are still all over the media. McCain is becoming insignificant. The election is still 7 months away, and McCain needs to do something to stay around. Who ever wins the Democratic ticket will have the advangate of media coverage.

Doug & Robyn Ellis said...

True, but until he can really figure out how to not alienate most of the party, it might be a good thing to be out of the limelight (at least for the moment). Most of the media is left anyway, unless you listen to talk radio or watch FOX. It seems the democrats always have better media coverage than the republicans anyway. When he does come out, I hope he comes out strong and ready!