Monday, March 31, 2008

Tournament Update

Well the thing that never happens happened. All four number 1 seed made it to the final four. When picking brackets, it is smart to pick upsets in the final four because all four number ones never make it. Of coarse Melissa picked all four to go and so is now beating me. I am sitting in fourth place out of seven, not a good year again, with Melissa in second. One interesting note is that my brother-in-law Doug, who won last year, is in last place. It is not that he dense, to me it is a testimony of how much a crapshoot picking brackets are.

Just a couple quick notes. Way to go Davidson. Curry has been the story of the tournament. What depresses me about Curry is that in all the human interests stories about him they keep repeating how much he wanted to play for Va Tech. Both his parents played at Tech. How good would Va Tech be with Curry? The other note about Curry is that I believe his fame caught up with him. He has been all over TV the past week, and with the last shot on the line he wanted tournament immortality by sinking the last shot. Problem was Kansas knew it too and doubled teamed him. Curry could have made an easy pass to a wide-open player on the 3-point line but instead he tried to be the hero and took a crazy shot and lost. Should have made the pass.

If I could change my picks I would say that UNC will beat Kansas. UNC looked unstoppable, where Kansas only won by 2. In the other game I was proven completely wrong about Memphis. I thought they would loose early one, but the way they dismantled Texas was shocking. Texas is good, but Memphis made them look like a JV team. So my picks are UNC beating Kansas, and Memphis beating UCLA (they get here every year but never finish). In the final game I still have UNC winning. Should be great games.

Would anyone sign a petition if I started one to President Monson asking if in the future we have priesthood secession on a different night than final four Saturday? This always reminds me of two years ago when Pres Hinckley gave his talk about gambling. I was wondering how many men listening to him that night had put money into a bracket. This explains why God inspired someone to invent TEVO.


Doug & Robyn Ellis said...

We had a stake president who always scheduled a priesthood meeting on Super Bowl Sunday right in the middle of the game just to see who would come.

Tamara said...

So, I should not call and tell you who won before you get home?? What can I say, I am at the bottom of the bracket, good thing that I don't gamble.