Friday, June 27, 2008


1. This now begins the worst time of the year, the period between the end of the NBA playoffs and the start of football. I know baseball is on, but I am just not a big fan especially in the summer. Their season is all year long, I will start paying attention in October.

2. I showed the movie Shenandoah in class, what a great show. Jimmy Stewart is still one of the greatest actors of all time. If you have not seen this movie, do yourself a favor and watch it. Stewart’s prayer at the beginning of the film is classic and the greatest prayer in movie history. There are also two scenes that should be required viewing for every man getting married, where Stewart gives advice to his daughter’s suitor. First he asked does he like her, and in another scene he explains how women do not make sense and how to handle them. Both apply still today. Very funny movie but be prepared for tears.

3. An interesting summer tv show has been USA’s In Plain Sight. USA’s new original shows have become favorites of ours and In Plain Sight has continued this. It is about the US Marshals and the Federal Witness Protection agency. My favorite part so far is that it is not set in Miami, LA, NYC, but in Albuquerque. I like the mix up from all other shows and it makes Albuquerque look like an interesting place to live and nice scenery.

4. We had a fierce game of Candy Land this week for Family Home Evening. I did take the early lead, but Savannah mounted an amazing comeback. In the end I crushed my kids hopes and dreams by utilizing all my Candy Land skills to hang on and win.

5. Good Last Comic Standing, very funny. But I do not understand how the black guy in the sweater who made wierd sounds made the cut, to me he was the least funny.

6. If you have never watched My Boys on TBS, give it a try.


Doug & Robyn Ellis said...

We also have Candyland for the computer. Sydney is a huge fan.

The Finck Five said...

We actually were playing old school with a board, gamepeaces and everything.

Kelsey Carreon said...

Edric feels your pain! He hates this part of the year when there are virtually no sports... He has even resorted to watching Arena Football. Luckily ESPN has been showing soccer games to keep him occupied until August and there is always ESPN Classic... if we weren't moving in 4 weeks I think he would start to crack from the lack of good sporting events on TV