Thursday, April 24, 2008


I know immigration is a hot topic everywhere right now, but it is especially relevant here in south Texas. It is generally accepted here that everyone is for immigration, whether it be legal or not. The border wall has become the major focal point for all criticism. The wall affects many that live here and they are going to court to try to stop the government from building on their land; of course this has not worked. Living here I have seen things that have affected my opinion. I know of one young man that is not legal, but has lived here his entire life (he is 17) and is just as American as any of the youth that live here. To send him to Mexico does not make any sense at this point, but ignoring the law does not make sense either. I disagree with him over the policy of immigration. He supports a new idea that anyone who gets accepted into college will qualify for citizenship. I strongly disagree, getting into college is not difficult today, and should not be the qualifier for citizenship. I do feel bad for him and other illegals. If crossing into Mexico illegally would guarantee my family a better life, I might just do it. I do understand why they want to live here, I believe this is the greatest nation on earth. I feel for illegals and how they must live here. Last week there was a large raid in Texas where several major companies were busted for hiring illegals and for their treatment of illegals. Not all, but many illegals do come here for a better life, and are willing to work very hard at several jobs to make money, but find when they get here they are treated poorly by those that hire them, knowing they can not complain. But after saying this I still do not believe we should allow the law to be broken. We can not give amnesty and reward those who oppose the rules of law.

We do need to find a way to allow for legal immigration to this country by those who want to work hard and live the American dream. I believe there is a good way for illegals to work for their citizenship. Why not allow them to join the military and put in their time and after which they can apply for citizenship. I know this will never happen, the ACLU and liberals would throw a fit at the mere suggestion. I do not understand why this is so objectionable. It benefits not only the US, but the illegal as well who would have the chance to better their lives after they fulfilled their duty. This would open up a clear path to stay in the US and even learn skills for later use. The military is an honorable profession, I have not served, but would be proud if my sons wanted to join the military. My cousin Jason, who I care about like a brother, is serving in Iraq right now, I could not be prouder of anyone. So I am not suggesting we enslave illegals or treat them with contempt, but to give them an honorable career while at the same time showing their loyalty to the nation they want to join. If it is good enough for some of our best young people, why do the ACLU and liberals object so strongly. It seems like a win win, our military is strengthened which helps the US and it is a path for citizenship that should be acceptable to all.

I know we have changed in the past 150 years, but there was a time when immigrants willingly joined the military out of devotion to their adopted country. The Civil War was made up of several units of immigrant troops, including, but not exclusive to, the famed Irish Brigade. Germans, Poles, and Scandinavian joined in large numbers. Oliver O. Howard’s 11th Corps were princely made up of immigrants. They were not used as much as other units because no one could understand most of them. Why have we changed so much, why is asking an immigrant to serve as one way to gain citizenship now considered an insult? I know this is political, and war and the military are touchy subjects right now, but we need to separate the military for politics. This policy will work whether or not we are in Iraq, or if Bush, Obama, or McCain is in the White house. I see this policy not as punitive, but a positive way to help those searching for the American Dream.


Doug & Robyn Ellis said...

Wow! That is a great idea! Are you submitting this blog for publication. There has got to be several newspapers that might run this one! Personally, I think this would be a great way to distinguish those who really want to be citizens of the US and those just wanting to abuse our resources and system. Sounds like a win/win to me.

Kelsey Carreon said...

I do think it is a good idea but I do have to wonder like you mentioned with the units in previous wars that no one could understand. What would happen to those units what would they be used for, and what would the potential for abuse be within the Army or other armed forces divisions? I know these are questions that are more for if the plan is implemented but from my experience with the military they will use and abuse a normal citizen. What would they do to one whose citizenship depends on their service?
Would those soldiers serving to get their citizenship even be trusted by the other soldiers since their allegiance may lie elsewhere? Also what type of screening would be done to insure those who wish to do harm are not imbedding their own people in the service?
I do think it is a good idea just one that would take a lot of steps and care before implemented. All my in-laws and my husband are naturalized citizens.

My husband and his brothers and sisters became naturalized as teenagers but my SIL just recently became a citizen and it was a lot of hard work, time, and effort. It really irritates me that there are people that came in illegally and just expect us to say oh well, you are here so we might as well make it permanent. But like it you also said it doesn't make sense to send a kid back who has not been in his native country since the age of 2 or 3 and has no connections there.

It is a real dilemma that we are in and it needs to be sorted out sooner than later.

The Finck Five said...

The main answer to your question is that unlike the Civil War we would not have immigrant units, but they would be integrated into the army like any other soldier. As for the language, yes they would have to learn English, but unless I am mistaken that is already a requirement for citizenship, the army would be a benefit in teaching them. (that may have changed). As for abuse, a large amount of enlisted men in the service are minorities already, I do not believe men and women hoping to become American and are showing their willingness to serve in the military, should or would be treated any worse than incoming troops are today. As far as allegiance, remember the reason they are joining the military is to become citizens of America, so they must have at least some reason why they want to come to the US, some idea that it is American that is offering them a better way of life or why come. I would use your husband as a perfect example, an immigrant family that I assume has allegiance to the US. He probably has some love for his homeland but does not mean he can not have a love for the US as well, I would expect the same from any immigrant. Remember they are joining to become citizens. Yes there will have to be checks, and that is beyond me, but the policy will ad troop strength, will bring some troops home that can be used to put on the border to tighten security and not have to keep anyone in Iraq too long, and for this conversation immigrants will have a legal way to enter the US. I also want to point out this should not be the only way, but just one way.

Kelsey Carreon said...

well there you go! Thanks for answering.

Tamara said...

I think that these are great thoughts, I am once again proud of my older are so smart.

Kelsey Carreon said...

And I mean this as a compliment your theories are very John Haddowesque (sp)

Lyf2.0 said...

This topic is so frustrating to me and I am angry our government leaders haven't made a concerted effort in curtailing this issue... and HOW long ago was 9/11? It's not just Mexicans sneaking across the border.

I understand it would be impossible to round up all the illegal immigrants here, and haul them back. So I do agree, something needs to be offered to them, but they would need to work for their legalization. Required military service is a good idea, but I can see problems with it regarding women who have small children. Perhaps in those situations required community service could be an option.

I think it is important that we integrate them into our society. They need to become community leaders, business owners, and live the American dream. To have a group of peoples here, keeping to their own culture is divisive, and will only become a bigger problem when they decide their "rights" have be infringed upon.

For the most part, it seems like they are laying low, trying to stay out of trouble. I truly believe it is only a matter of time before someone somewhere on either side gives in to the tension and some kind of revolt happens.

I honestly see some kind of 1960's Civil Rights movement happening for illegal immigrants. That movement including violence, increased prejudice, and hate.

I truly don't blame anyone who wants to come here, seeking a better life. I would do the same thing for my family too, but we/our leaders need to get a handle on it and soon. The only thing is, I don't see ANY of the current contenders for the presidency supporting any such remedy.