Monday, April 14, 2008

A New Earth

To begin with I might as well come out and say it, I watch Oprah. This is not exactly true, my wife watches Oprah which means I am around sometimes to hear it. She tries not to watch when I am home, not because she is trying to spare me, but to spare herself. I cannot watch Oprah without constant critical analysis. Having said that there was a show last week that I had issues with, it was the episode dealing with A New Earth. I have the same issues with this as I did her shows about The Secret. First, I like how in the beginning she stresses that this is not a new religion or doctrine, there have been complaints. What I find funny is that for most of her followers that announcement put an end to that complaint. However, for me, just because Oprah declares something does not make it true. I need to say that the ideas in A New Earth and The Secret are not bad ideas, in fact many of their teachings are not new ideas at all, they are gospel principles wrapped up in new packages.

My problem with these new age ideas is that they have the potential to distract us from what is more important. As a believer in God, I have to believe in the devil as well. I believe the devil’s primary goal is to lead us away from God. The best tool of the devil is not to convince us that there is no God or preach some outrageous new doctrine to lead us astray. His best tool is to use subtle distractions, use truth mixed with false doctrine. Anything too big, like Scientology, most Christians will see through, it is the subtle distractions that we may fall for. Please do not get me wrong, I am not saying the proprietors of The Secret or the New Earth, or even Oprah are willing agents of the Devil, I believe they all mean well. I guess I hate to see anything else replace the teachings of the gospel. They claim The New Earth only enhances Christianity, I do not think the teachings of man can enhance true doctrine. The parts of these new age teachings that are true are already being taught, so how can they enhance. I think reading is great, and that we should all read more, but at the same time I hate to see people get so caught up in these new books. How many people who watched Oprah will go out and buy these books for the answers, but have never picked up their Bible and truly read it. This is what I mean by distraction. We all know that there are more books that belong to both the Book of Mormon and the Bible that will some day come forth. Many have said that they want to be able to read these today, but the brethren have warned against this saying first read what we have and follow those laws before wanting more. I think this applies, before we all go out and buy books and make someone rich to get taught new theories about spirituality, let us read and understand what we already have.

The New Earth teaches us to live in the now and think in a present context. In so many ways this is a good idea, we should not live in the past or focus on past mistakes as much and should not dwell on what might happen. Yet is very subtle change that may be a distraction. We should live in the now, but never forget the eternal context. What may be good for us now may not be the answer when viewed through eternity. I believe it all comes down to this, the Gospel is true, and the answer for any question we may have can be found in the Gospel of Christ. There is nothing wrong with watching Oprah or reading these books except when we turn to them for spiritual guidance. I wonder how many women who have bought The Secret or The New Earth watched all 5 secession of conference (including the women’s broadcast the week before). It is the subtle distractions that can lead us away from God.


Doug & Robyn Ellis said...

You are definitely a smart guy! Those colleges/universities sure missed out on a good thing this year. Next year, they will be knocking down your door begging for wisdom like this! said...

thanks, james. I love reading your thoughts but then I agree about most of them. I just read your latest to Doug, Dad, Grandpa and Eric. Good stuff. I have seen the "Secret" book but decided before I read this that I would try harder to research and live the Gospel instead of a new book. Thanks. Mom

Tamara said...

I do think that Oprah believes that she is doing good, but I agree with you...too many women in the church follow and read what she says more then the gospel teachings. They actually had to announce in our ward that we should stop quoting Opera in Relief Society lessons.

Kelsey Carreon said...

I totally agree. I went on a rant a few month back about the book Eat Pray Love she was trying to shove down our throats. UGH I don't have time to watch her very much but I will click it on during the lets clean before dad gets home hour and I saw how much she was fawning over New Earth and Duncan said something quite profound. He asked by the BOM was not on her book list. He stated that she tries to promote books that help you become closer to Christ whey doesn't she read the Book of Mormon and learn how to. I say instead of taking her challenges on why don't we challenge her to read the BOM and see what she thinks. (he didn't say it exactly that way but that was the breakdown of what he said)

Edric always says that it would be nice to see church members, including myself, read the Book of Mormon with as much passion as we read Harry Potter.

Matthew said...

Okay. Sensing that I might not have the same take on this you have solicited me for my comments. First, I don't have the first idea what these books say and I also start from the bias that Oprah thinks she is Jesus Christ, so all I can really do is your comment about being distracted by the subtleties of the adversary.

I do think that we need to be careful to avoid those things which are a counterfeit of true principles and which lead as away from God. That having been said, I have a view that I think Joseph share, being that truth is everywhere and God's teachings can be found in a variety of places and forms. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things.

Joseph relates, many years after the first vision, that he was told none of the churches were true. And yet, he was intensely curious and as he encountered ideas he would take them to the Lord and ask Him how it fit in.

I guess the bottom line for me is that ideas are things to be studied. We can them act upon them or discard them. If Oprah is asserting a "new" way of thinking that gets people focused on the right things, then I'm not bogging down on the fact that I find her offensive in some ways or that the packaging is a little different. Another good example of this is Joel Olsteen. This guy comes under withering fire from a lot of LDS I know because he doesn't discuss doctrine and teaches the "easy" things. Okay, but when he comes on after my Sunday morning politico shows and encourages me to treat others well, not be discouraged and to look to God for can anyone really argue with that? No its not the fullness of the gospel, and while I do agree with your contention that we must be wary of the counterfeit, I also think that we are sometimes in jeopardy of discarding many things that are praiseworthy and of good report because they don't come in familiar forms.

As for these books, I guess the question is whether they teach people to do good and if they bear good fruit. The vast, vast majority of the people who purchase the book will not be members of our church in their lifetimes nor believe in the gospel as we do. So anything that leads the masses to do good, to me, is of good report. This is not a perfect analogy, but frequently those who are members of other faiths when confronted with the Book of Mormon will say, but I have the Bible and it is sufficient. We don't have a monopoly on truth and right and, I believe, should embrace those things which we can test and find to be good. If they don't lead people to do good, then they should be discarded. But better Socrates unsatisfied than a pig satisfied.

Matthew said...

As an aside, your comment to the effect that you like Oprah but aren't able to suspend your critical analysis as you watch made me chuckle because that is how I feel about fast and testimony meeting. :-) I'm trying to work on that though. LOL.

Disco Mom said...

Remind me not to attend RS in Tamara's ward or Fast & Testimony meeting in Matt's (or if I do, sit next to him so we can whisper together)...