Friday, April 11, 2008

Job Update

I just wanted to update everyone on my job hunt. I have heard back from all the schools and they all had the same answer: it was a tough field of candidates, your interview was good, but we went with someone else. For the Tennessee job, they said I was their second choice, not that that does me any good. It has been a bit of a downer this week. I really felt that we would be moving this summer. It is hard to say in a place where we know we are not permanent, it is hard to put down roots. I walked out of my house yesterday at 6:50 AM and it was already 90, I must say I was depressed. I have tried to get out of my funk which I think I am doing, I realize I need to count my blessings. I have a great family, a great extended family, we live in a nice house, and I do have a job. If we were in Arkansas we might not have anything right now, where here I still have one more year on my contract. The fall is when most of the good jobs come out, and this year I will have a much greater chance. Last year when I applied I had not finished my degree where as this year I can apply with my Ph.D. and hopefully something big will be published before I apply (I am waiting to hear back from two publishers, sometimes this can take a long time). So things have not worked out the way we would like, but we will persevere and pray that next year my dream job will open up, preferably with a division one football team (I do have standards).


Doug & Robyn Ellis said...

We're bummed for you too. I know when it seemed darkest for us, the clouds parted in the strangest ways and led us to paths we didn't expect. We're rooting for you (and a good football team to boot).

Matthew said...

There is an old saying that whenever one door shuts its worth two in the bush. Something like that.

Employment, though, is always something to be grateful for. When I think of the low moments in my life, the lowest was when I was out of law school, had passed the bar, and couldn't find a job. I think that particularly as men, we really have our identity and self esteem tied up there. So that is a huge silver lining here.

In retrospect though, I eventually wound up right where I was supposed to be in the best opportunity I could have hoped for. Keep your chin up. Also you need to practice saying this in interviews: "have you seen my blog?"

Tamara said...

You know that we are praying for you everyday and we wish you the best. Maybe if you show us all pictures of you right now something great will come up. I know that this time is hard and I really don't have the answers right now...I too am in a funk. But I do sure love ya and I think that you are the best:)

Sechrist Family said...

We understand your feelings. We would love to be out of Vegas now. It is temporary and hard for us to put down roots as well. We are hoping to move this summer, but everytime we see an opportunity or get our hopes doesn't happen. So, hang in there. Hopefully we will both have good news and we can finally escape the southwest heat and put down roots where some green exists! We feel out boys just aren't getting the "right" exposure especially here in Vegas. We just want to tell them to go play in the woods. Not possible yet...someday though.